Super Bowl Squares
Regular price
***Absolutely no discount codes allowed for purchasing these squares! If you use one, your order will be refunded!
We do this every year and people LOVE it! It's a fun way to be involved in the Super Bowl! We filled TEN full boards last year! We are giving away FREE CLOTHES!!! $50 in the first quarter, $150 at halftime, $50 in the third quarter and $200 for the final score!
1. Comment below with how many squares you would like ($5 per square). Limit of 10 squares per person.
2. I will invoice you for your squares and like your comment when an invoice has been sent. Once paid I will put your name into a random spot(s) on the board.
3. I will need all payments by 8AM on Super Bowl Sunday (February 9th).
4. In the event that we don't fill a board completely, the winning amounts will be adjusted.
5. In the event that we fill this board completely, we will do multiple boards so that everyone gets a chance to participate if you are wanting to!
6. I will release the board(s) with everyone's names before 5PM on Super Bowl Sunday with all of the randomly assigned spots.
7. Most importantly...HAVE FUN!!!
HOW YOU WIN: The number on the board represents the last number of the score. For example: If the score at halftime is Chiefs 27 and Eagles 14. The winning box would be where 7 from the Chiefs side and 4 from the Eagles side meet.
Note: The winnings will be emailed to you via a RayLarae Boutique gift card to use however you'd like!